NEWA in partnership with Terre des Hommes Netherlands organized a training on Young Women Leadership for the Ethiopian Young Women Voice (EYWV) members

The Network of Ethiopian Women’s Association (NEWA) has been working towards promoting gender equality, women’s and girls’ empowerment, and strives to bring the pressing challenges and issues of women and girls to the attention of policy/decision-makers and development partners for further action and intervention.
NEWA in partnership with Terre des Hommes Netherlands organized a training on Young Women Leadership for the Ethiopian Young Women Voice (EYWV) members
The She Leads project is working towards Enhancing girls’ and young women’s (GYW) participation in national-level decision-making spaces.
NEWA in partnership with Terre des Hommes Netherlands organized a training on Young Women Leadership for the Ethiopian Young Women Voice (EYWV) members representing 8 different regions of Ethiopia in Addis Ababa.