June 2023

NEWA was attending the Grand Bargain annual meeting with the localization leaders of the margins

the Grand Bargain annual meeting with the localization leaders of the margins which were held at the Humanitarian Hub in Geneva, Switzerland.

NEWA was attending the Grand Bargain annual meeting with the localization leaders of the margin We were attending the Grand Bargain annual meeting with the localization leaders of the margins which were held at the Humanitarian Hub in Geneva, Switzerland. In the high-level meeting, our executive directress Mrs. Saba G/Medhin presented on topic with the impact on women during crisis and the role of women organizations, challenges and opportunities. The aim of the roundtable meeting was just to discuss on how to make concrete advances of the Grand Bargain at the national level and to facilitate a direct dialogue between localization leaders and donors identify next steps, and to make the Grand Bargain commitments into concrete operational steps. The discussion also focused on the national reference groups as a key forum for local actors to engage in Grand Bargain processes at country level and on how to achieve greater progress in the allocation of funding including overhead costs to local actors.

NEWA was attending the Grand Bargain annual meeting with the localization leaders of the margins Read More »

NEWA in partnership with Terre des Hommes Netherlands organized a training on Young Women Leadership for the Ethiopian Young Women Voice (EYWV) members

Young voice

NEWA in partnership with Terre des Hommes Netherlands organized a training on Young Women Leadership for the Ethiopian Young Women Voice (EYWV) members The Network of Ethiopian Women’s Association (NEWA) has been working towards promoting gender equality, women’s and girls’ empowerment, and strives to bring the pressing challenges and issues of women and girls to the attention of policy/decision-makers and development partners for further action and intervention.  The She Leads project is working towards Enhancing girls’ and young women’s (GYW) participation in national-level decision-making spaces.NEWA in partnership with Terre des Hommes Netherlands organized a training on Young Women Leadership for the Ethiopian Young Women Voice (EYWV) members representing 8 different regions of Ethiopia in Addis Ababa.

NEWA in partnership with Terre des Hommes Netherlands organized a training on Young Women Leadership for the Ethiopian Young Women Voice (EYWV) members Read More »

NEWA in partnership with Plan International Ethiopia organized a half-day validation workshop

Validation Workshop

NEWA in partnership with Plan International Ethiopia organized a half-day validation workshop Network of Ethiopian Women Association in partnership with plan international Ethiopia organized a half-day validation workshop on the assessment and findings of gender-based violence case stories.NEWA’s Executive Directress Mrs. Saba Gebremedhin welcomed the participants and briefed the project objective. She emphasized the main objective of the project is to improve the gender-based violence response mechanisms and proper services for GBV survivors in a certain implementation area.A finding of GBV assessment stories documentation, and case stories compilation in the implementation areas of SNNPR, Oromia, Amhara, and Addis Ababa were presented by Mr. Kassahun Belay.Following the presentation, discussions, and recommendations were forwarded from the participants. The workshop was held at Magnolia Hotel, Addis Ababa.

NEWA in partnership with Plan International Ethiopia organized a half-day validation workshop Read More »