NEWA was attending the Grand Bargain annual meeting with the localization leaders of the margins
NEWA was attending the Grand Bargain annual meeting with the localization leaders of the margin We were attending the Grand Bargain annual meeting with the localization leaders of the margins which were held at the Humanitarian Hub in Geneva, Switzerland. In the high-level meeting, our executive directress Mrs. Saba G/Medhin presented on topic with the impact on women during crisis and the role of women organizations, challenges and opportunities. The aim of the roundtable meeting was just to discuss on how to make concrete advances of the Grand Bargain at the national level and to facilitate a direct dialogue between localization leaders and donors identify next steps, and to make the Grand Bargain commitments into concrete operational steps. The discussion also focused on the national reference groups as a key forum for local actors to engage in Grand Bargain processes at country level and on how to achieve greater progress in the allocation of funding including overhead costs to local actors.