February 2023

A co-creation workshop was organized by the Education Champion Network in partnership with the Malala Fund

A co-creation workshop organized by the Education Champion Network

A co-creation workshop was organized by the Education Champion Network in partnership with the Malala fund A co-creation workshop was organized by the Education Champion Network in partnership with the Malala fund on tackling education challenges in light of the conflict and beyond. NEWA’s Executive Directress, Saba G/Medihn, gave a warm welcome along with the hope and aspiration the Education Champion Network (ECN) has when bringing young girls into this platform. The aim of the co-creation workshop was to bring girls and create a safe space for girls to set their agenda. The participants came from five different regions (Afar, Sidama, Amhara, Oromia, Addis Ababa, and Tigray).On the second day of the co-creation workshop, the young girls set their peace agendas, and forwarded their asks, to Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission Commissioner Professor Mesfin Araya. Prof. Mesfin Araya began his speech by acknowledging and appreciating the girls asks. The commissioner told the girls that the Ethiopian national dialogue commission listens to their asks loud and clear promised to include agenda in the national dialogue agenda.

A co-creation workshop was organized by the Education Champion Network in partnership with the Malala Fund Read More »

NEWA in collaboration with USAID and EWLA facilitated a training for women leaders in CSOs.

NEWA in collaboration with USAID and EWLA facilitated a training

NEWA in collaboration with USAID and EWLA facilitated a training for women leaders in CSOs. Network of Ethiopian Women’s Association in collaboration with USAID and EWLA facilitated a training for women leaders in CSOs. The second cohort training on appreciative inquiry for transformative leadership for Women Leaders in CSOs aimed to share and imagine their common aspirations for Ethiopia and determine priorities through appreciative inquiry. The three days of training proofed women are Powerful, Capable, and Change-Makers. “STRONGER TOGETHER!”.

NEWA in collaboration with USAID and EWLA facilitated a training for women leaders in CSOs. Read More »

UN Women Ethiopia in collaboration with NEWA organized humanitarian architecture training for local women’s organizations in Dessie town

UN Women Ethiopia in collaboration with NEWA organized humanitarian architecture training

UN Women Ethiopia in collaboration with NEWA organized humanitarian architecture training for local women’s organizations in Dessie town UN Women Ethiopia in collaboration with the Network for Ethiopian Women’s Association (NEWA) organized humanitarian architecture training for local women’s organizations in Dessie town. The training was followed by a half-day policy dialogue workshop aimed to enhance their meaningful engagement in humanitarian coordination, response, and decision-making processes.  

UN Women Ethiopia in collaboration with NEWA organized humanitarian architecture training for local women’s organizations in Dessie town Read More »

NEWA in collaboration with Oxfam organized a half-day policy brief on the gaps and progress of unpaid care and domestic work.

Network of Ethiopian Women’s association in collaboration with Oxfam organized a half-day policy brief on the gaps and progress of unpaid care and domestic work. At the opening representative from the state minister of women’s and social affairs Ms. Zebider Bogale and executive directress of NEWA, Saba G/medihin welcomed and briefed the participants about the objectives of the dialogue. The workshop will aim at to give policy briefings to the government and private sectors on the gaps and the outcomes received towards unpaid care and domestic work. It will also encourage networking and collaboration among the government and private sectors.

NEWA in collaboration with Oxfam organized a half-day policy brief on the gaps and progress of unpaid care and domestic work. Network of Ethiopian Women’s association in collaboration with Oxfam organized a half-day policy brief on the gaps and progress of unpaid care and domestic work. At the opening representative from the state minister of women’s and social affairs Ms. Zebider Bogale and executive directress of NEWA, Saba G/medihin welcomed and briefed the participants about the objectives of the dialogue. The workshop aimed at to give policy briefings to the government and private sectors on the gaps and the outcomes received towards unpaid care and domestic work. It  encouraged networking and collaboration among the government and private sectors.

NEWA in collaboration with Oxfam organized a half-day policy brief on the gaps and progress of unpaid care and domestic work. Read More »

NEWA in collaboration with Timran facilitated a two days Training of Trainers on awareness creation about gender inclusion in the National Dialogue

National Dialog NEWA & Timran

NEWA in collaboration with Timran facilitated a two days Training of Trainers on awareness creation about gender inclusion in the National Dialog Under the coalition of Women’s Voice for the National Dialogue, the Network of Ethiopian Women’s Association (NEWA) in collaboration with Timran facilitated a two days Training of Trainers on awareness creation about gender inclusion in the National Dialogue. During the opening of NEWA & Timeran’s EDs, Mrs. Saba Gebremedhin & Mrs. Eyerusalem Solomon welcomed the participants from all the regions & special thanks and welcome goes to the Tigray Delegation who joined the national training platforms for the first time after two & half years! The directors also addressed the participants on the background and objectives of the Coalition of Women’s Voice in the National Dialogue & why gender-inclusive national dialogue and why is important to build facilitation skills for the national dialogue. Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission, Commissioner Blen Gebremedhin, deliver the keynote speech, & in her keynote speech she welcomed the delegation team from Tigray & also recognize this is the first national training platform that includes Tigray region participants after a while. Commissioner Blen briefed on how the ND Commission is working toward an inclusive national dialogue & the ND commission’s discussion with Coalition for Women’s Voice for National Dialogue & opened the training officially.

NEWA in collaboration with Timran facilitated a two days Training of Trainers on awareness creation about gender inclusion in the National Dialogue Read More »

Stories of Capacity Development: Changing COVID-19 perceptions in Ethiopia through a women-led organization

Stories of Capacity Development: Changing COVID-19 perceptions in Ethiopia through a women-led organization

At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Ethiopia, with more than 115 million people, was challenged tremendously. Reaching key groups in a country in which 80 percent of the population resides in peri-rural areas was difficult, and worsened by the ongoing conflict concentrated in the north. JSI, through its Last 10 Kilometers (L10K) project and with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, partnered with the Network of Ethiopian Women Association (NEWA) to strengthen risk communication and community engagement to thwart the spread COVID-19. Through a series of consultative sessions with over 850 women and girls in Addis Ababa, Oromia, Amhara, and Sidama Regions, it was found that the low vaccine acceptance rate of the was attributable to incorrect information. These included false claims that the vaccine led to infertility, that the vaccination was prohibited by religious beliefs, and that vaccination is the West’s attempt to impose its values on Africa. JSI helped NEWA members work with Ethiopia’s Ministry of Health (MOH) to design social and behavior change communication (SBCC) materials and messages to facilitate COVID-19-prevention behavior among women. JSI supported NEWA on developing and adapting guides and tools and conducting research. NEWA collected data and produced more evidence on COVID-19 prevention measures and the need for medical intervention in response to severe infection. JSI’s technical assistance and NEWA’s research led to a thorough SBCC campaign that included gender-sensitive radio messages, house-to-house visits, and informal community meetings with women. NEWA staff and its partners disseminated SBCC materials throughout key woredas (districts) in the four regions where L10K works. The materials were also distributed to women in isolated rural communities and remote villages through regional health centers with support from the MOH, Ethiopia’s Women’s Development Army (a group of trained volunteer health workers), and certified health extension workers. Ultimately, these combined efforts helped the MOH design actions to reduce the transmission of COVID-19 and vaccinate 65 percent of the targeted population.Source: JSI – https://www.jsi.com/stories-of-capacity-development-changing-covid-19-perceptions-ethiopia/?fbclid=IwAR1_pXDIfwg-hWvU9zH-0bMHFH3mdAu27xM0IPToz6SMWz1YOPQmQUzFNhY

Stories of Capacity Development: Changing COVID-19 perceptions in Ethiopia through a women-led organization Read More »

Women’s development and rights organizations made a press statement demanding action against acid attacks on women

A press statement demanding action against acid attacks

Women’s development and rights organizations made a press statement demanding action against acid attacks on women Women’s development and rights organizations made a press statement on February 2 demanding action against acid attacks on women and girls. The statement was read by w/o Zertihun Teferra director of Siqqe Women’s and co-signed by Network of Ethiopian Women’s Association and others.  

Women’s development and rights organizations made a press statement demanding action against acid attacks on women Read More »