NEWA, with the support of Ambassade de France en Éthiopie et auprès de l'Union africaine የፈረንሳይ ኤምባሲ conducted a Capacity building training for women leaders and academics : HAWASSA

As part of Women’s Participation in Peace Building & Decision Making Project implementation, Network of Ethiopian Women’s Ascensions ( NEWA) with the support of Ambassade de France en Éthiopie et auprès de l’Union africaine የፈረንሳይ ኤምባሲ conducted a capacity building training for women CSO leaders, community leaders and women academics on mediation, conflict analysis, negotiation and dispute resolution in Sidama, Hawassa
The objective of the three days training is to equip women leaders with basic skills and tool in mediation, dispute resolution and conflict analysis in collaboration with the Embassy of France in Ethiopia. The outcomes of this training will also contribute to the national dialogue process and response mechanism of women rights organizations for conflict resolution has improve . The trainees are women from different sectors and walks of life in Sidama & SNNPR Region, women CSO leaders, community leaders and women academicians that contribute and actively engage for women’s rights and peace security.