The technical committee conducted a review session for the inception report of the research titled “Measuring and Valuing Unpaid Care and Domestic Work (UCDW) in Ethiopia.”

The Network of Ethiopian Women’s Associations (NEWA), funded by the International Development Research Center (IDRC), is executing a project titled “Coupling Unpaid Care Domestic Work with Local Development Agenda for Improved Care Systems in Ethiopia.” This initiative aims to strengthen Ethiopia’s care economy by assessing and valuing unpaid care and domestic work (UCDW) and conducting implementation research on the country’s gender mainstreaming guidelines.

To enhance Ethiopia’s care economy, the project has commenced two studies:

  1. An implementation study on gender mainstreaming policy from UCDW and intersectionality perspectives in selected pro-poor government sectors.

  2. Measuring and valuing unpaid care and domestic work (UCDW).

For the effective execution of the project and research, NEWA has established coordination and management structures. The Technical Committee, comprising representatives from INGOs, CSOs, and selected pro-poor government ministries (MoE, MoH, MoWE, and MoLS), serves as a management and coordination framework for the technical aspects of the project carried out by NEWA and MoWSA.

On December 13, 2024, the Technical Committee is convening at the MADO hotel to review and evaluate the inception report developed by the consultants for the study Measuring and Valuing Unpaid Care and Domestic Work (UCDW) for Improved Care Economy in Ethiopia. The session will primarily focus on the methodological aspects of the research, and the Technical Committee has approved the developed technique, providing valuable comments and insights.