NEWA is seeking to create synergy and stronger advocacy voice for women’s advancement; She became an Ethiopian Consortium, with Ethiopian Societies committed to advocacy for women rights.
NEWA’s goal is twofold: synchronizing the individual activities of women associations into an integrated collective effort and synergy to realize their common aspirations for gender equality, and launching a vigorous public campaign of promotion, advocacy, and lobbying for women’s rights.
NEWA struggles to advocate for the empowerment of women and girls in order to prevent and respond to violence against women and girls both in urban and rural settings and advocates the support of women’s networks in the form of resources, top leadership advocacy, and openness to learning to advance the leadership development of women;

Validation workshop on the gender aspects of the 10 years perspective plan was conducted on 29-septmebr-2020 for half day at Magnolia Hotel. The purpose of the meeting was to validate the inclusion of gender issues in the ten years perspective plan. Participants of the meeting were represented from ministry of finance, human right commission, women & youth office, Oxfam, Uniceif and sub grantees. In the meeting a total of 43 participants (M=12, F=31) attended the meeting. The meeting helped the women organization to contribute and provide inputs for the perspective plan.
Opening remark was given by deputy commissioner of plan & development commission. In his speech, he noted that the plan commission gave due emphasis for the intensive participation of women in planning process, consider women as input providers, and gives due emphasis for welfare based planning approach.
In the presentations; documents like Beijing platform, women and girls participation in all sectors was reviewed. Gender disaggregated data, women in informal sector (unequal payment), access to resource (women are less privileged), and targeting issues were identified as area of improvement. The issue of women unpaid work, domestic work and informal workers not included in the labor and social affairs perspective plan. Regarding peace and governance; access & responsive justice policy and procedure, litigation process and the need of comprehensive policy for GBV are some of the issues that needs area of improvement addressed by w/ro Saba in her presentation.
After the presentation, there was a reflection and discussion session and during this time reviewing key performance indicators, absence of gender and women policy, the perspective plan should be measurable both qualitatively and quantitatively, indicators should be gender specific and gender relevant and the revision of indicators and the indication of KPI in all sectors were some of the issues raised and addressed during the discussion. Moreover; participants pointed out that GBV should be one of the strategic direction and the strategies should address GBV impact on girl’s education. The strategic directions should give due emphasis for rural women rather than focusing on urban women. Participants also reflected that FAL program needs due attention, volunteerism policy should be included in perspective plan, coordination and inclusive implementation needs strategies.
The need of developing MEAL platform was also the other issue raised by the participants and they have pointed out that the perspective plan indicators are at outcome level and there is a threat of overlooking pertinent issues unless and otherwise indicators developed at output level.
Governments participating in the fourth World Conference on Women, in Beijing in September 1995, the year of the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the United Nations, Determined to advance the goals of equality, development and peace for all women everywhere in the interest of all humanity.
Ethiopia has been implementing the Declaration of the Beijing platform for Action for the last 25 years. The Government of Ethiopia has adopted the major objectives and strategies of the BPFA as part of the country’s development and poverty reduction strategy that has been implemented for more than 20 years.
To know the implementation of the premises of Beijing platform and its progress in partnership with the office of the president NEWA organized a national conference on Beijing +25 and the role of CSOs.
The objective of the conference is to know the achievement and gaps of the premises & amplify the achievements and more importantly to show the challenges or the gaps so that to emphasize the need for enhanced programming and actions by relevant stakeholders.
Participants were represented from government offices, CSO, national & international NGOs as well as development partners.
The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an annual international campaign that kicks off on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and runs until 10 December, Human Rights Day. It was started by activists at the inaugural Women’s Global Leadership Institute in 1991 and continues to be coordinated each year by the Center for Women’s Global Leadership. It is used as an organizing strategy by individuals and organizations around the world to call for the prevention and elimination of violence against women and girls.
To mobilize individuals, women organizations, stakeholders, government officials to take collective responsibility to fight against sexual and gender based violence against women and girls including Returnees and IDPs.
NEWA prepared and conducted workshop to facilitate policy dialogue. Policy makers and CSOs were the major target audience. Both print and mainstream media were invited. And NEWA build a good relationship with the media.
Social media campaign was prepared and NEWA lead the National GBV Campaign of Ethiopia. From UEWCA, EWLA ECD and PIE staff join the Campaign with 30 sec home video message on the below mentioned theme related to GBV and Peace for Women to be highlighted via our social media platforms during the campaign.. The theme ‘ሰላም ለሴቶች ከጓዳ እስከ ሀገር’ considering the current situation of the country.
The other activity accomplished during the activism day is conducting of press conference. It was conducted on the 24th of November 2020.The participants were The National GBV Campaign Group members and NEWA Members. It is a joint statement by GBV-C Ethiopian members who are members of CSO, UN-WOMEN, Feminist Movements and CETU.
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