NEWA provided a capacity building training to Addis Ababa women Political party leaders and members

The Network of Ethiopian Women’s Associations (NEWA) in collaboration with Demo Finland and Addis Ababa Political Parties Joint Council Women’s Wing has been facilitated two days capacity-building training; from 14-15 November 2024 on Social Norms and Political Culture. The number of participants is 49 (all female) drawn from 16 political parties. The training is conducting here in Addis Ababa at Harmony Hotel with the financial support of Political Parties of Finland for Democracy- Demo Finland. This training is one of the activities of our collaborative project called “Supporting Women Political Participation in Ethiopia”. Similar training provided for Benshangul Gumuz and Ormia Regional State women politicians on October 4-5th and 10-11th, 2024 respectively.
The overall purpose of this training is to enhance women political party representatives understanding on Social Norms, and Political Culture so that they can discover similar challenges within the social and public sphere by themselves and contribute for the prevention and response of such challenges both at national and local level. While the specific objectives are:
• Equip participants with in-depth knowledge of the social norms and political culture of Ethiopia.
• Foster collaborative learning among participants to ensure a cohesive understanding on women political issues and make it as their common agenda.
Some of the topics covered in this training are:
• The basic concept of gender and politics
• The global, regional, and national normative foundations of women’s political participation
• Women and politics in Ethiopia
• Social norms that hinder women political participation
• Political cultures and women’s political participation, etc.