NEWA organized a three-day capacity building training on political participation and election in collaboration with NEBE and UN Women Ethiopia.
Network of Ethiopian Women’s Association, in collaboration with National Election Board of Ethiopia NEBE (የኢትዮጵያ ብሔራዊ ምርጫ ቦርድ) and UN Women Ethiopia organized a three-day capacity building training on political participation and election on remaining and re-election for female candidates.
The training aims to empower female candidates for the upcoming elections, enhancing their capacity for active political participation nationwide.
The training kicked off with the opening speech of H.E Melatwork Hailu, Chairperson of the National Election Board of Ethiopia. “Women’s participation in politics not only promotes women’s rights but also safeguards the rights of other marginalized groups.”
The participants came together to join the training from different parts of the nation including Benshangul Gumz, Gijiga 2/Somali, Central Ethiopia: Miskan and Mareqo and Afar region.

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