NEWA, in partnership with UN Women Ethiopia CERF project, held a consultation Workshop on the Prevention, Protection of Women & Girls from all forms of violence

NEWA, in partnership with UN Women Ethiopia CERF project, held a consultation Workshop on the Prevention, Protection of Women & Girls from all forms of violence through the promotion of non-violent, non-discriminatory, and gender-equitable norms during humanitarian responses is currently taking place at Capital Hotel, Addis Ababa. Civil Society and Government counterparts were represented in the consultation.
This half-day consultation workshop has been organized by NEWA in order to provide participants with the awareness and necessary skills required in the efforts of prevention and protection of women and girls from GBV in a non-discriminatory way, particularly in emergencies and humanitarian crises.
The workshop incorporated a presentation by Ms. Ankets Petros, Gender Program Manager, Oxfam Ethiopia, and an in-depth participatory discussion amongst the participants.