NEWA organized a one-day national-level exhibition and advocacy event

Network of Ethiopian women’s Associations in partnership with Oxfam Ethiopia organized a one-day national-level exhibition and advocacy event. The core purpose of this experience-sharing exhibition was to showcase technologies that reduce time and energy for women and girls in Ethiopia.

NEWA organized a one-day national-level exhibition and advocacy eventAt the opening representative from the State Minister of Women’s and Social Affairs, Mrs. Tihun Sineshaw, and Executive Directress of NEWA, Saba G/Medihin welcomed and highlighted the participants and the fortitudes of the unpaid care and domestic work burden-reducing innovation exhibitors. In her opening speech, Ms. Tihun Sinshaw stressed the recognition of the UCDW on the role of women in most Ethiopian families is still found at a low level; thus, we all have a great responsibility to change this situation in our respective families.

NEWA organized a one-day national-level exhibition and advocacy event