
የሲቪክ ሶሳይቲ ድርጅቶች ዋና ዳይሬክተሮች ቡድን ዋንጫ ወሰደ | The women CSO directors team won a football Cup

የአዲስ አበባ ከተማ ሴቶች ማህበር የተመሠረተበትን 25ኛ አመት አስመልክቶ በተዘጋጀው የሴቶች እግር ኳስ ውድድር በሴቶች ላይ የሚሠሩ የሲቪክ ሶሳይ ቲ ድርጅቶች ዋና ዳይሬክተሮች ከሴት አርቲስቶች ጋር ባደረጉት የእግር ኳስ ውድድር

የሲቪክ ሶሳይቲ ድርጅቶች ዋና ዳይሬክተሮች ቡድን ዋንጫ ወሰደ | The women CSO directors team won a football Cup Read More »

NEWA and EWLA, in collaboration with USAID/OTI, held a workshop

NEWA and EWLA, in collaboration with USAID/OTI, held a workshop

NEWA and EWLA, in collaboration with USAID/OTI, held a workshop NEWA and EWLA, in collaboration with USAID/OTI, held a workshop in which women leaders from the media, CSO, political, and business sectors received Appreciative Inquiry training. Following the completion of the workshop on March 21 at Ellily International Hotel, we had the honor of bringing these women together and accomplished designing their collective vision,  designing their strategy for implementing their vision, selecting women to represent their sectors and serve as an ad hoc committee and Deciding on a collective name  “Transformative Women Leaders”. This workshop not only brought together women leaders from various sectors, but it also celebrated women for being remarkable and agents of peace!

NEWA and EWLA, in collaboration with USAID/OTI, held a workshop Read More »

Our Executive Directress Saba Gebremedhin had a fruitful discussion with the U.S. Secretary of State, Antony J. Blinken.

Wro Saba - NEWA - with -U.S. Secretary of State, Antony J. Blinken

NEWA organized a one-day national-level exhibition and advocacy event Our Executive Directress Saba Gebremedhin had a fruitful discussion with the U.S. Secretary of State, Antony J. Blinken. Their discussion was focused on the importance of women’s participation in peacebuilding decisions and centering the agenda of SGBV that happened during the conflict into the transitional justice process, and mechanisms.

Our Executive Directress Saba Gebremedhin had a fruitful discussion with the U.S. Secretary of State, Antony J. Blinken. Read More »

NEWA organized a one-day national-level exhibition and advocacy event

NEWA organized a one-day national-level exhibition and advocacy event

NEWA organized a one-day national-level exhibition and advocacy event Network of Ethiopian women’s Associations in partnership with Oxfam Ethiopia organized a one-day national-level exhibition and advocacy event. The core purpose of this experience-sharing exhibition was to showcase technologies that reduce time and energy for women and girls in Ethiopia. At the opening representative from the State Minister of Women’s and Social Affairs, Mrs. Tihun Sineshaw, and Executive Directress of NEWA, Saba G/Medihin welcomed and highlighted the participants and the fortitudes of the unpaid care and domestic work burden-reducing innovation exhibitors. In her opening speech, Ms. Tihun Sinshaw stressed the recognition of the UCDW on the role of women in most Ethiopian families is still found at a low level; thus, we all have a great responsibility to change this situation in our respective families.

NEWA organized a one-day national-level exhibition and advocacy event Read More »

A co-creation workshop was organized by the Education Champion Network in partnership with the Malala Fund

A co-creation workshop organized by the Education Champion Network

A co-creation workshop was organized by the Education Champion Network in partnership with the Malala fund A co-creation workshop was organized by the Education Champion Network in partnership with the Malala fund on tackling education challenges in light of the conflict and beyond. NEWA’s Executive Directress, Saba G/Medihn, gave a warm welcome along with the hope and aspiration the Education Champion Network (ECN) has when bringing young girls into this platform. The aim of the co-creation workshop was to bring girls and create a safe space for girls to set their agenda. The participants came from five different regions (Afar, Sidama, Amhara, Oromia, Addis Ababa, and Tigray).On the second day of the co-creation workshop, the young girls set their peace agendas, and forwarded their asks, to Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission Commissioner Professor Mesfin Araya. Prof. Mesfin Araya began his speech by acknowledging and appreciating the girls asks. The commissioner told the girls that the Ethiopian national dialogue commission listens to their asks loud and clear promised to include agenda in the national dialogue agenda.

A co-creation workshop was organized by the Education Champion Network in partnership with the Malala Fund Read More »

NEWA in collaboration with USAID and EWLA facilitated a training for women leaders in CSOs.

NEWA in collaboration with USAID and EWLA facilitated a training

NEWA in collaboration with USAID and EWLA facilitated a training for women leaders in CSOs. Network of Ethiopian Women’s Association in collaboration with USAID and EWLA facilitated a training for women leaders in CSOs. The second cohort training on appreciative inquiry for transformative leadership for Women Leaders in CSOs aimed to share and imagine their common aspirations for Ethiopia and determine priorities through appreciative inquiry. The three days of training proofed women are Powerful, Capable, and Change-Makers. “STRONGER TOGETHER!”.

NEWA in collaboration with USAID and EWLA facilitated a training for women leaders in CSOs. Read More »

UN Women Ethiopia in collaboration with NEWA organized humanitarian architecture training for local women’s organizations in Dessie town

UN Women Ethiopia in collaboration with NEWA organized humanitarian architecture training

UN Women Ethiopia in collaboration with NEWA organized humanitarian architecture training for local women’s organizations in Dessie town UN Women Ethiopia in collaboration with the Network for Ethiopian Women’s Association (NEWA) organized humanitarian architecture training for local women’s organizations in Dessie town. The training was followed by a half-day policy dialogue workshop aimed to enhance their meaningful engagement in humanitarian coordination, response, and decision-making processes.  

UN Women Ethiopia in collaboration with NEWA organized humanitarian architecture training for local women’s organizations in Dessie town Read More »