
NEWA in collaboration with UN WOMEN in Ethiopia conducted a two days national session


NEWA in collaboration with UN WOMEN in Ethiopia has conducted a two days national session on the five year strategic plan and national costed road map NEWA in collaboration with UN WOMEN in Ethiopia has conducted a two days national session on the five year strategic plan and national costed road map to end child marriage and FGM with national and international stakholders on September 20 & 21, 2022 at Kereyu Hills Resort & Hotel, Adama, Ethiopia.

NEWA in collaboration with UN WOMEN in Ethiopia conducted a two days national session Read More »

Women’s Peace Rally that Organized by TIMRAN and Network of Ethiopian Women Associations (NEWA) took place on September 08, 2022.

Women's Peace Rally

Women’s Peace Rally that Organized by TIMRAN and Network of Ethiopian Women Associations (NEWA) took place on September 08, 2022. Women’s Peace Rally that Organized by TIMRAN and Network of Ethiopian Women Associations (NEWA)  under the motto “ሴቶች ሰላምን ይሻሉ፤ ሴቷ ሰላምን ትምራ”  joined by women from different walks of life on September 08, 2022. The peace march took place from Kasanchis Women’s Square to Urael (Selam Street)

Women’s Peace Rally that Organized by TIMRAN and Network of Ethiopian Women Associations (NEWA) took place on September 08, 2022. Read More »

Consultative dialogue with women right organization to engage in policy advocacy on unpaid care and domestic work

Unpaid Care and Domestic Work

NEWA in collaboration with OXFAM Ethiopia has conducted a half day consultation dialogue NEWA in collaboration with OXFAM Ethiopia has conducted a half day consultation dialogue on “Unpaid Care and Domestic Work” on August 23, 2022. Representatives of women rights organizations, relevant government offices and international partners participated in the discussion.

Consultative dialogue with women right organization to engage in policy advocacy on unpaid care and domestic work Read More »

NEWA in partnership with UN Women Ethiopia & Project Expedite Justice conducted four days capacity building training

NEWA in partnership with UN Women Ethiopia & Project Expedite Justice conducted four days capacity building training for women lead organizations, women rights organizations, and different government & CSOs representatives Network of Ethiopian Women’s Associations in partnership with UN Women Ethiopia & Project Expedite Justice conducted four days capacity building training for women lead organizations, women rights organizations, and different government & CSOs representatives who are operating in Amhara Regional States, South Wollo Zone. The first two days of training were focused on identifying sexual & gender-based violence (SGBV) risks and engaging in SGBV mitigation strategies, referral pathways, and community-level protection mechanisms. The last two days of the training covered how to develop locally relevant tools to monitor SGBV prevention and mitigation strategies and engage in participatory safety audits at the community level. The trainings are part of the CERF project implementation funded by the UN Women Ethiopia. The training was conducted in Dessie town from July 26-29 2022.

NEWA in partnership with UN Women Ethiopia & Project Expedite Justice conducted four days capacity building training Read More »

NEWA in collaboration with UN Women Ethiopia, Conducted a two days familiarization workshop

NEWA in collaboration with UN Women Ethiopia, Conducted a two days familiarization workshop The Network of Ethiopian Women’s Associations (NEWA) in collaboration with UN Women Ethiopia, Conducted a two days familiarization workshop on the five-year strategic plan and national costed road map to end child marriage and FGM with different Oromia Regional States Bureau representatives in Adama town. Ms. Fikir Zelalem Deputy Attorney General, Oromia Regional State Attorney General officially opened the two days workshop with an expectation to work closely with all sectors including the CSO. Following that, Ms. Mieraf Tesfayesus Acting Director of Women, Children and Crosscutting Directorate, Ministry of Justice is presenting the five-year strategic plan and national costed road map to end child marriage and the participants are discussing on the application of the strategy (document adaptation, translation responsible organ for monitoring, means of monitoring, and evaluation. The familiarization workshop will continue tomorrow.

NEWA in collaboration with UN Women Ethiopia, Conducted a two days familiarization workshop Read More »

NEWA in partnership with Oxfam in Ethiopia conducted a two days sensitization training on Unpaid Care & Domestic Work

NEWA in partnership with Oxfam in Ethiopia conducted a two days sensitization training on Unpaid Care & Domestic Work for F.D.R.E House of People Representatives elected women’s coccus members in Adama. Network of Ethiopian Women’s Associations in partnership with Oxfam in Ethiopia  conducted a two days sensitization training on Unpaid Care & Domestic Work for F.D.R.E House of People Representatives elected women’s coccus members in Adama town. Honorable Mrs Kimiya Jundi the women coccus chairwoman, in her opening remarks says “women are expected to do the care work as household chores in resulting little opportunities to participate in political and decision-making process. But women must have the same opportunities as men and promised to work hard for enabling policy frameworks on care economy”

NEWA in partnership with Oxfam in Ethiopia conducted a two days sensitization training on Unpaid Care & Domestic Work Read More »

NEWA Conducted the two days of Capacity Building Training on ‘Political Leadership and Decision-Making Skills’

NEWA Conducted the two days of Capacity Building Training on ‘Political Leadership and Decision-Making Skills’ NEWA Conducted the two days of Capacity Building Training on ‘Political Leadership and Decision-Making Skills’ for 110 Female Members of the CaffeeOromia at Adama, Ethiopia in partnership with #DemoFinland. The training was given parallelly.

NEWA Conducted the two days of Capacity Building Training on ‘Political Leadership and Decision-Making Skills’ Read More »

NEWA in cooperation with The Ethiopia Office of the KOICA conducted a Consultative Meeting on Ethiopian Women’s Peacebuilding Initiatives.

NEWA in cooperation with The Ethiopia Office of the KOICA conducted a Consultative Meeting on Ethiopian Women’s Peacebuilding Initiatives. The Network of Ethiopian Women Associations (NEWA) in cooperation with The Ethiopia Office of the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) conducted a Consultative Meeting on Ethiopian Women’s Peacebuilding Initiatives. The objective of the consultative meeting was to understand and learn the gaps in the current peace-building.In the meeting, the Amhara Women’s Association (AWA) and Mujejegua Loca Women Development Association (MLWDA) shared experiences and Reverend Mulunesh Jinebo shared grass-root experiences from the self-initiative on peacebuilding.

NEWA in cooperation with The Ethiopia Office of the KOICA conducted a Consultative Meeting on Ethiopian Women’s Peacebuilding Initiatives. Read More »