July 2024

“ጥምረት ለሴቶች ድምፅ” የሴቶችን አጀንዳዎች ለኮሚሽኑ አስረከበ።

“ጥምረት ለሴቶች ድምፅ” የሴቶችን አጀንዳዎች ለኮሚሽኑ አስረከበ። ሀምሌ 18/2016 ዓ.ምጥምረት ለሴቶች ድምፅ፤ በስምንት ክልሎችና በሁለት ከተማ አተስተዳደሮች ያሰባሰባቸውን የሴቶችን አጀንዳዎች ለኢትዮጵያ ሀገራዊ ምክክር ኮሚሽን አስረክቧል።የኢትዮጵያ ሀገራዊ ምክክር ኮሚሽን ኮሚሽነሮች የጥምረቱን አጀንዳዎች ከጥምረቱ አመራሮች ተረክበዋል። የኢትዮጵያ ሀገራዊ ምክክር ኮሚሽን ዋና ኮሚሽነር መሥፍን አርአያ (ፕሮፌሰር) ፤ ኮሚሽኑ ከተቋቋመበት ጊዜ ጀምሮ የሴቶችን ተሳትፎ ለማሳደግ በአሠራር ሥርዓቱ አካትቶ እየተንቀሳቀሰ ነው ብለዋል። ጥምረት ለሴቶች ድምፅ በሀገራዊ ምክክር ሂደቱ የሴቶችን ግንዛቤና ተሳትፎ ለማሳደግ ያደረገው ጥረት የሚያስመሰግን መሆኑንም ዋና ኮሚሽነሩ ገልጸዋል። ኮሚሽኑ የተሰበሰቡትን የሴቶች አጀንዳዎች በሀገራዊ የምክክሩ ላይ እንደሚጠቀማቸውም አስታውቀዋል። የሴቶችና ማህበራዊ ጉዳይ ሚኒስትር ኤርጎጌ ተስፋዬ (ዶ/ር) የሴቶች ጉልህ ተሳትፎ የሌለበት ሀገራዊ ምክክር ሙሉ እንደማይሆን ገልፀው፤ የተሰበሰቡት አጀንዳዎች ተግባራዊ እንዲደረጉ ሁሉም ባለድርሻ አካላት ሚናቸውን እንዲወጡ ጥሪ አቅርበዋል። የጥምረት ለሴቶች ድምፅ ሰብሳቢ ሳባ ገብረመድህን፤ ጥምረቱ በሀገራዊ ምክክሩ ሂደት የሴቶችን ተሳትፎ በማሳደግ በኩል ከፍተኛ አስተዋጽኦ ማድረጉን ተናግረዋል።ጥምረቱ ከኮሚሽኑ ጋር በቅርበት ሲሠራ መቆየቱን ገልጸው፤ በክልልና በሀገር አቀፍ ደረጃ ያሉ የሴቶች አደረጃጀቶች በቀጣይ ጊዜያት በምክክሩ ላይ በጋራ እንደሚሠሩ አረጋግጠዋል።  ጥምረት ለሴቶች ድምፅ ሀምሳ አምስት የሴቶች ማህበራትን ያቀፈ ድርጅት ነው፡፡

“ጥምረት ለሴቶች ድምፅ” የሴቶችን አጀንዳዎች ለኮሚሽኑ አስረከበ። Read More »

Program Coordinator (CLOSED)

Program Coordinator (CLOSED) JOB DESCRIPTION Position: Program Coordinator Employment type: Full-timeContract Type- One YearPlace of work: Addis AbabaApplication Deadline: July 14, 2024Salary: by organization scale Organization Overview: The Network of Ethiopian Women’s Associations (NEWA) is a pioneer, non- partisan, non—for-profit national coalition with 38 members associations and organizations operating all over Ethiopia. By fostering membership, synergy, partnership among women’s associations and structures, NEWA strives for gender equality, women empowerment and ending GBV/VAW/G nationwide for the past 20 years. NEWA as an advocate network, synchronizes the efforts of its members to influence policies, to bring women and girls into the mainstream of the society.  The network works that the national policies, plans, strategies and programs take into account the interests of women and that of women’s social, economic, political, and legal rights—which are established in national and international instruments—are achieved at all levels. Job Purpose NEWA wants to hire two program coordinator that can support our member organizations in resource mobilization, program management, and other activities that benefits their organizations. The PC will coordinate the overall programs of the organization and will lead the active projects. Key Role and Responsibilities Resource Mobilization Responsibilities 50% Research and identify potential funding sources (grants, donations, etc.) aligned with the joint programs’ objectives. Monitor funding announcements and deadlines relevant to NEWA and the partner organization’s priorities. Ensure proposals adhere to donor guidelines and deadlines. Program Management:  40% Coordinate program activities, timelines, and budgets for both organizations. Develop and track program milestones and deliverables. Prepare reports on program progress and impact. Facilitate communication and collaboration between NEWA, the partner organization, and program stakeholders. Serve as the primary point of contact for program inquiries. Represent both NEWA and the partner organization at donor meetings and events (as appropriate). Logistics and Administration: 10% Organize and manage program meetings, events, and workshops. Maintain program documentation and records. Travel arrangements (if program activities involve travel).    Skills and Qualifications: Minimum RequirementA Master’s degree Social Studies, Gender Studies, International Relations And other relevant fields A minimum of five years of practical experience in program management/coordination and resource mobilization. Solid skill, knowledge and foundation in proposal development and of the project management cycle. Have previous engagement in Women and Youth themes Excellent project management, organizational, and time management skills. Strong written and verbal communication skills in English and Amharic Experience working in a non-profit /NGO Setting/ is mandatory Proficiency in MS Office Suite and project management software Most Proficiencies Good understanding of annual work planning and budgeting and budget monitoring. A good understanding of monitoring and evaluation processes. Solid project management and reporting skills. Sound project and proposal development skills. Experience and engagement with government ministries in policy and guidelines revision and development A good understanding and sensitivity to issues associated with Women, Gender Equality, Women Empowerment, Youth and knowledge of the context in which non-profit organizations operate. Knowledge and experience in training and participatory training methodologies. Team leadership skills, with good abilities of addressing conflicts amongst diverse teams and constituents. Excellent organizational skills. Proficient knowledge of word processing, spreadsheets, presentation tools, electronic mail (Microsoft Office preferred) and Internet. Demonstrated proficiency in English oral and written. Essential character traits Self-motivated, Result oriented, High integrity, Accountable, Reliable How to apply: Interested applicants can submit their CV and Cover letter on newarecruitments@gmail.com Email on or before July 14, 2024

Program Coordinator (CLOSED) Read More »

Call for Expression of Interest (Closed)

Call for Expression of Interest (Closed) About the Job NETWORK OF ETHIOPIAN WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION(NEWA)Call for Expression of Interest Background: The Network of Ethiopian Women’s Associations (NEWA) is a non-partisan, non-governmental network organization established in 2003, and currently NEWA has 38 member local organizations and associations seeking to create a stronger advocacy voice for women’s advancement. NEWA has a twofold goal: synchronizing the individual activities of women’s associations into an integrated collective effort and synergy to realize their common aspirations for gender equality; and launching a vigorous public campaign of promotion, advocacy, and lobbying for women’s rights. NEWA with financial support from the Spanish Development Cooperation to implement and lead a new project, namely ‘Strengthen the participation and leadership of women’s rights organizations in response to sexual and gender-based violence’. The project scope is purely focused on Strengthening the SGBV response through building the capacities of WROs and the project will be implemented at the National level and regional levels in Addis Ababa, Oromia, and Somalia. So, to enhance the SGB Prevention and Response through the contribution of this project, NEWA will work in collaboration with member associations, and other women’s structures as a major stakeholder and strategy. This approach also contributes to the ongoing national advocacy on SGBV.  This project will be led by NEWA through sub-granting two member organizations that are operating in Oromia and the Benishangul-Gumz regional States. About this, NEWA would like to hire a national consulting company who conduct an assessment on the challenges of Women’s Right Organizations (WRO) in Response to Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV). The assessment aims to comprehensively understand the challenges and strengths of women’s rights organizations (WROs) working across Ethiopia in responding to sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV). This assessment will prioritize the voices of WROs at the national level and ensure strong representation from organizations operating in rural areas For more information information this TOR for Call for Expression of Interest About You Eligibility  Bidders must have a renewed trade/business certificate for the year 2016 E.C (2023/24G.C), VAT, TIN, and the renewed professional license certificate. Required Skills Communication Critical thinking How To Apply Interested consulting firms can get the full TOR document from Ethio-jobs posted along with EoI. Interested applicants are expected to submit both technical and financial proposals in separate sealed envelopes.  Qualified women or firms with qualified women are encouraged to apply.  All applicants are required to submit their expression of interest (EOI), in hard copies or soft copies of both financial and technical proposals and relevant documents including renewed certificates and sample previous related work within five [5] days in person or through email the following address: Duly completed bids must be in a sealed envelope addressed to NEWA marked by “Bidders Name, Address, Legal Stamps, and Signatures.” Bidders should submit their technical and financial documents in two different sealed envelopes to the address mentioned below.  The sealed bid document shall be submitted to the NEWA address mentioned above or Email addresses: newaethiopia@gmail.com by copied berhanu@newaethiopia.org on or before July 14, 2024, at 3:00 PM. Bids arriving after this date and -time will not be considered.  Address NETWORK OF ETHIOPIAN WOMEN’S ASSOCIATIONSPhone: +251 118 217757/58 or +251934128114P.O.Box 19375 Addis Ababa,Website: www.newaethiopia.orgBole Sub City, Woreda 5In front of Gibson Youth Academy 24 Campus, Addis Abeba, Ethiopiahttps://goo.gl/maps/1i7Y7yChAHima8wM7

Call for Expression of Interest (Closed) Read More »

Program Coordinator (CLOSED)

Program Coordinator (CLOSED) About the Job Background:The Network of Ethiopian Women’s Associations (NEWA) is a non-partisan, non-governmental network organization established in 2003, and currently NEWA has 38 member local organizations and associations seeking to create a stronger advocacy voice for women’s advancement NEWA with financial support from the Spanish Development Cooperation has been implementing and leading a project, namely ‘Strengthen the participation and leadership of women’s rights organizations in response to sexual and gender-based violence’. The project scope is purely focused on Strengthening the SGBV response through building the capacities of WROs and the project will be implemented at the National level and regional levels in Addis Ababa, Oromia, and Benishangul-Gumz region. As part of the project, NEWA is hiring two programme coordinators in this project. Role and Responsibilities of the Programme Coordinator Program Management:  Coordinate program activities, timelines, and budgets for both organizations. Develop and track program milestones and deliverables. Prepare reports on program progress and impact. Facilitate communication and collaboration between NEWA, the partner organization, and program stakeholders. Serve as the primary point of contact for program inquiries. Represent both NEWA and the partner organization at donor meetings and events (as appropriate). Logistics and Administration: Organize and manage program meetings, events, and workshops. Maintain program documentation and records.  Travel arrangements (if program activities involve travel). Resource Mobilization Responsibilities Research and identify potential funding sources (grants, donations, etc.) aligned with the joint programs’ objectives. Monitor funding announcements and deadlines relevant to NEWA and the partner organization’s priorities.   Ensure proposals adhere to donor guidelines and deadlines. Salary: by organization scale About You Skills and Qualifications:A minimum of three years of experience in program coordination or a related field is required. A Master’s degree in a relevant field (e.g., Public Administration, Gender Studies, International Relations) can substitute for two years of this experience. Additional qualifications Excellent project management, organizational, and time management skills. Strong written and verbal communication skills in English and Amharic Experience working in a non-profit or advocacy setting (preferred). Proficiency in MS Office Suite and project management software Required Skills  Oral and written communication Time management Microsoft Office Pack: Word, Excel, Access, Publisher, Outlook, Powerpoint Communication   How To Apply Interested applicants can submitted their CV and Cover letter on newarecruitments@gmail.com Email on or before July 14, 2024

Program Coordinator (CLOSED) Read More »