December 2022



DISCUSSION ON BUILDING COMMON INFLUENCING AGENDAS ON UNPAID CARE AND DOMESTIC WORK Network of Ethiopian women’s Associations in collaboration with Oxfam Ethiopia organized a half-day discussion for Women’s Rights organizations, Youth groups, and Caregivers. The main aim of the forum was to reach a common influencing agenda on Unpaid care and domestic work. Apart from reaching a common influencing agenda, the workshop aims to change the attitude of all stakeholders about unpaid care and domestic work and to make them aware of the issue in Ethiopia a true representation of urban and rural areas through a panel discussion and the inclusiveness of care agendas in policies. The discussion was held at Harmony Hotel on December 23, 2022.


The Ethiopian Young Women’s Voice (EYWV) Launched

The Ethiopian Young Women's Voice (EYWV) Launched

The Ethiopian Young Women’s Voice (EYWV) Launched Young women representing almost all region, forty (40) attended the three days conference that formed the Ethiopian Young Women Voice. Day-One, began with young women’s representatives from regions and city administrations interacting through storytelling and experience sharing. These young women also received training on movement building by Terre Des Hommes Netherlands and motivational speech on intentional development. The training helps young women improve their competence, capacity, and performance and gain knowledge and new skills. Day Two: The young women received a training on youth advocacy. This improves the skills to speak for themselves, demand their rights and asks. Later on, the young women consciously deliberated on the existing legal and socio-economic situation of the young women and girls and identified their concerns and asks. Then, the young women started their high-level advocacy action as right holders and presented their demands and asks to the relevant Ministries and Commission, as duty bearers during the interface meeting. In the interface meeting the Ministry of Women and Social Affairs; Plan and Development Commission; Health; Education and Finance have attended and responded to the young women demands and asks. Those unanswered demands and asks will be addressed in the future as agreed upon. Day Three: The young women discussed on drafted memorandum of understanding (MOU), made amendments and approved it. As per the MOU, they elected Seven-Members technical committee to coordinate and manage the future actions of EYWV under the auspices of NEWA. At last, the representatives of Ethiopian young women from all folks of society warmly established their Voice. The establishment of the long awaited Ethiopian Young Women’s Voice, the first of its kind was celebrated. The event was held for three days from 9:00PM to 5:00PM on December 8-10, 2022 at the Mosaic Hotel

The Ethiopian Young Women’s Voice (EYWV) Launched Read More »

High-level panel discussion on Transitional Justice and Effective Remedy for Conflict-Related Gender Based Violence:

High-level panel discussion on Transitional Justice and Effective Remedy for Conflict-Related Gender Based Violence:

High-level panel discussion on Transitional Justice and Effective Remedy for Conflict-Related Gender Based Violence Reflections on the work of the Inter-Ministerial Taskforce (IMTF) to Oversee Redress and Accountability for Human Rights Violations in the Northern Ethiopia Conflict organized by Network of Ethiopian Women’s Associations (NEWA) and UN Women in collaboration with Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) at Harmony Hotel. The discussion is being attended by Mr. Schadrack Dusabe, deputy country representative of the UN Women, H.E Commissioner Meskerem Geset, Ethiopian Human Rights Commission representatives of Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Women and Social Affairs and CSOs.

High-level panel discussion on Transitional Justice and Effective Remedy for Conflict-Related Gender Based Violence: Read More »

Discussion on workplace harassment and discrimination facing women

Discussion on workplace harassment and discrimination facing women in different sectors

Discussion on workplace harassment and discrimination facing women Network of Ethiopian Women’s Associations (NEWA) and OXFAM Ethiopia in collaboration with Addis Ababa Women, Children and Social Affairs Bureau (AABoWCSA), Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC), Confederation of Ethiopian Trade Unions (CETU), Ethiopian Women’s Rights Advocates (EWRA),  organized  discussion on workplace harassment and discrimination facing women in different sectors. The discussion was held at Inter Luxury Hotel on December 08,2022

Discussion on workplace harassment and discrimination facing women Read More »

Arts Night – As Part of the 16-day Activism Campaign

Arts Night: As part of the 16-day activism campaign

Arts Night – As Part of the 16-day Activism Campaign The afternoon was blessed with young women and girls eager to network, enjoy, and participate in the panel discussion, poetry competition, games, and selected documentaries that NEWA had organized and that were held at the MOSAIC hotel in the open-air garden on December 7, 2022, from 2:30 pm to 6:30 pm. NEWA invited a panel of young women from various women’s rights organizations and movements, who gave an inspiring speech and shared their experiences with the audience. The panel discussion was fruitful and full of interaction. The event concluded with the young women and men promising for themselves in order to advocate for others to end gender-based violence.

Arts Night – As Part of the 16-day Activism Campaign Read More »

Discussion on Violence Against Women and the Draft Criminal Procedure and Evidence Law

Discussion on Violence Against Women and the Draft Criminal Procedure and Evidence law

Discussion on Violence Against Women and the Draft Criminal Procedure and Evidence Law Discussion on Violence Against Women and the Draft Criminal Procedure and Evidence law organized by Network of Ethiopian Women’s Associations (NEWA) in collaboration with Ethiopian Women Lawyers’ Association (EWLA) and Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA).

Discussion on Violence Against Women and the Draft Criminal Procedure and Evidence Law Read More »

Awareness-raising and capacity-building workshop was held to addressing 16 Days Activism movement

Addressing the 16 Days Activism-movement,awareness-raising-and-capacity-building-workshop---7

Awareness-raising and capacity-building workshop was held to addressing 16 Days Activism movement Addressing the 16 Days Activism movement, NEWA, in collaboration with UN Women Ethiopia is hosting a two-day awareness-raising and capacity-building workshop for political party leaders and party members on Gender Equality and Gender-Based Violence. at Haile Resort Adama, Ethiopia.

Awareness-raising and capacity-building workshop was held to addressing 16 Days Activism movement Read More »