Volunteers Training

NEWA in partnership with Plan International Ethiopia is implementing the project titled ‘Women’s Voice and Leadership’. This project aims to support the capacity and activities of local and regional women’s organizations. The project intends to deliver an initiative that will promote a vibrant and sustainable women’s rights movement, consolidating the voice of women and girls to lead their own development, demonstrate their agency and influence policy. 

To this end, NEWA carried out a training for newly starting young volunteers working within member organizations in order to capacitate skills and knowledge. The training focused on professionalism, workplace ethics, leadership, and other aspects of voluntarism.

 Two representatives from VSO and YWCA came on board the training for an experience-sharing session to discuss the importance of voluntarism for the volunteers. It was with the aim of enhancing voluntarism and capacitating women organizations with equipped volunteers as well as motivating GYW into leadership and introduction to the workspace within the sector specifically that this event was held on March 15th, 2022, at Magnolia Hotel.