Recently Completed Projects
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Project: Strengthening Multi-Sectoral Coordination Mechanisms
Objective: To strengthen multi-sectoral coordination mechanisms on prevention and response to violence against women and girls and child marriage and also Advocate for the implementation of the national five-year strategic plan on Violence against women and girls and National costed roadmap to end child marriage & FGM.
Project Status: Completed
Duration: July 2022 – September 2022
Implementation Area: Somalia, Oromia region, and at the federal level
Partner Organization: UN WOMEN Ethiopia.
Project: ‘Ensuring Women’s Participation in Election in Ethiopia’
Objective: Enhanced gender sensitivity of electoral processes in Ethiopia
Project Status: Completed
Duration: One year
Implementation Area: in most of the regions except Sidama, Tigray, Harari, and Benshangumuz Gummuz
Partner Organization: UN Women
Project: Supporting Voters to make an Informed Decision on the Upcoming Ethiopian Election
Objective: Ethiopian citizens have increased access to and knowledge of voter education information, including election processes, voting procedures, and the importance of civic participation.
Specific Project Objectives:
- To build the capacity of voters to participate in voting processes
- To disseminate information through static messages
Project Status: Completed
Duration: 6 months
Partner Organization: IRI