Project: Women’s Voice and Leadership
Objective: Contributing to a systems-change of how gender equality & feminism principle are perceived and valued by policy-makers, CSO’s, WO and Duty Bearers. By making women voice more recognised and valued as a public good, NEWA aims to help shift how the policy frameworks & economies are structured and how existing legal frameworks, public policies and public services are designed and delivered to transform the lives of women.
Duration: 2020-2023
Implementation Area: A.A, Amhara, Oromia and SNNP
Partner Organization: Plan International Ethiopia
Project: She Leads – Enhancing GYW participation in national level decision making spaces.
Objective: NEWA is implementing the She Leads project Ethiopia, focusing on the national level. It targets and engages the government, CSOs and GYW, while linking with the EWLA and other projects of She Leads.
It will contribute to the following outcomes:
- Enhanced collective voice and action of GYW in formal and informal institutions
- Meaningful participation of GYW enabled by councils, law enforcement and government sectoral offices.
Duration: 2021-2025
Implementation Area: Oromia (Dukem), Hawassa (Dilla), Amhara, Oromiya and Addis Ababa.
Partner Organization: Netherland programme she leads (TDH-NL)