Members Associations

Year of Establishment: 1998 Vision: AAWA envisages a city where by women’s equal participation in al...More

Addis Ababa Women Association (AAWA)
Year of Establishment: 1998
Vision: AAWA envisages a city where by women’s equal participation in all aspects of life is ensured, discriminatory actions are curbed and women’s rights are exercised
Mission: to empowering women to realize and exercise their holistic rights
Thematic area:
- Support of women economically by engaging them in Income generating activities
Contact person: Enatalem Endale
Phone: 0912015568
Joined year:
Head Office:
Kirkos Sub city
Wored 9 HN 521
Meskel square at the side of the Addis Ababa Exhibition center
Addis Aababa, Ethiopia
Addia Ababa, 11 sub city : Addis Ababa

Year of Establishment: 1998 Vision: To see a society that respects the rights of women and girls Mis...More

Amhara Women’s Association
Year of Establishment: 1998
Vision: To see a society that respects the rights of women and girls
Mission: Assist women’s motivation of participation and struggle towards equality in every aspect of life, so that they will be equally benefited from the fruits of their labor at the end
Thematic area:
- Socio-economic and political empowerment of women and girls,
- Advocacy and lobbying to issue policies, laws, and regulations in favor of, and amend or repeal those which are against women and girls right,
- Prevention of HTP and Child marriage on women and girls
Contact person: Huluayesh Aweke
Phone: 0912034574
Joined year: 2006
Head Office:
Bahir Dar
Kebel 13
in front of General audit bureau
Amhara Regional State
Implementation Area: Amhara Region (It has branch offices in all 10 zones of the region)

Year of Establishment: 2000 Vision: Seeing women’s are equally participated and benefited in politic...More

Benishangul Gumuz Region Women
Year of Establishment: 2000
Vision: Seeing women’s are equally participated and benefited in political, economic and social development of the state
Mission: Ensuring equal participation and benefit of women’s in political, economic and social development of the state, contribute to the realization of country vision and development of good governance and democracy
Thematic area:
- Body and Health right of Women,
- Women economic security and justices and
- Leadership, Participation and peace
Contact person: Haymanot Ayele
Phone: 0910109113
Joined year:
Head Office:
Kebele 01
Benishnagul-Gumuz Regional State
Implementation Area: Benishnagul-Gumuz Regional State

Year of Establishment: 2023 Vision: To envisage that an Ethiopian society where all people particula...More

Beza for Women Community Base Development Association
Year of Establishment: 2023
Vision: To envisage that an Ethiopian society where all people particularly women youth children and their families and GBV survivors to Enjoy comprehensive and quality Life.
Mission: To reduce the vulnerability of disadvantage women children youth person with disability and elders works for the betterment of them and organized to provide tools for self sufficiency and sustainability in distressed communities in Ethiopian in collaboration with the government agencies non government organization CBOs FBOs and volunteers
Thematic area:
- Health
- Women empowerment
- Peace and security
- Nutrition
Contact person: Haniya Mohamod
Phone: 0910043474
Joined year: 2023
Head Office:
Dessie town
Amhara region
Implementation Area: Amhara, Afar, Tigray, Addis Ababa and Oromia

Year of Establishment: 1997 Vision: To see in Ethiopia where poor women, children, youth, disabiliti...More

BEZA Organizing Association of Women in Need (BOAWN)
Year of Establishment: 1997
Vision: To see in Ethiopia where poor women, children, youth, disabilities and elders economically and socially empowered and their socio-economic problems solved by the end of 2021
Mission: To improve the livelihood, health, awareness, equal opportunity for services without any discrimination, and poverty situations of the project areas community
Thematic area:
- Economic Empowerment
- Education
- Community capacity building
- Prevention and control of HIV/AIDS
- Urban Agriculture
Contact person: Genet Lema
Phone: 0911467945
Joined year: 2023
Head Office:
Cool building 2nd Flr
Around Wesen 02
Woreda 09
Yeka Sub-city
Addis Ababa,,
Implementation Area: Addis Ababa (Yeka, Arada, Lideta, Gulele Sub-cities and 11, 12 ,09,12 and 09 Woredas :

Year of Establishment: Vision: Mission: Thematic area: Contact person: Phone: Email: Joined year: He...More

Dalocha Women Development Association
Year of Establishment:
Thematic area:
Contact person:
Joined year:
Head Office:
Implementation Area:

Year of Establishment: 2002 Vision: To see Ethiopia free of poverty and HIV/AIDS Mission: To improv...More

Developing Families Together (DFT)
Year of Establishment: 2002
Vision: To see Ethiopia free of poverty and HIV/AIDS
Mission: To improve the quality of life of women, children and other vulnerable groups in society, through an integrated development approach.
Thematic area:
- Gender equality
- Awareness rising,
- Peace and conflict resolutions,
- Education,
- Health
- Human right and advocacy
- Environment and agriculture
Contact person: Yohannes Girma
Phone: 0913534018
Joined year: 2021
Head Office:
Holy Trinity Cathedral Building, 3rd floor
Arat Killo
Arada Sub-city
Implementation Area: Addis Ababa, Amhara, Oromia, Benishangul Gumuz and SNNPR

Year of Establishment: Vision: Mission: Thematic area: Contact person: Phone: Email: Joined year: He...More

Dire Dawa Women’s Association
Year of Establishment:
Thematic area:
Contact person:
Joined year:
Head Office:
Implementation Area:

Year of Establishment: 2007 Vision: Mission: Thematic area: Contact person: Dirshaye Nigussie Phone:...More

Duwaw Community Development Organization (DCDO)
Year of Establishment: 2007
Thematic area:
Contact person: Dirshaye Nigussie
Joined year:
Head Office:
Implementation Area:

Year of Establishment: 2006 Vision: To see an Ethiopian society that has zero tolerance on violence ...More

Enhancing Child Focused Activities (ECFA)
Year of Establishment: 2006
Vision: To see an Ethiopian society that has zero tolerance on violence and abuse &gender inequality against children and young women.
Mission: To contribute for; the wellbeing of marginalized children, significant reduction of violence, abuse (GBV, FGM, online & offline SA) against children, girls & young women & increasing their equal participation in their society
Thematic area:
- Protection
Contact person: Yisrak Kebede
Phone: 0911840000
Joined year: 2022
Head Office:
Near Selassie Orthodox Church
Kebele 01
Implementation Area: Adama, Assela, Metehara, Bishoftu, Shashamane, Yabelo town & three near by districts

Year of Establishment: 2006 Vision: To see the creation of a friendly policy and institutional envir...More

Equal Opportunity Association for Women with Disabilities Living with HIV
Year of Establishment: 2006
Vision: To see the creation of a friendly policy and institutional environment, which enables equal access for women with disabilities to the prevention, and control of the spread of HIV/AIDS pandemic.
Mission: To see the creation of a friendly policy and institutional environment, which enables equal access for women with disabilities to the prevention, and control of the spread of HIV/AIDS pandemic.
Thematic area:
- Disability
- Women empowerment
- Reproductive health
Contact person: Lettegebriel Hailu
Phone: 0911362101/0911191610
Joined year:
Head Office:
Wereda 10
Arada Sub city
Implementation Area: Addis Ababa (Piassa and Gulele)

Year of Establishment: 2022 Vision: To envisage the existence of a vibrant professional association ...More

Ethiopian Media Women Association
Year of Establishment: 2022
Vision: To envisage the existence of a vibrant professional association capable of creating professionally skilled, educated and confident Ethiopian female journalist who can bring a difference both nationally and internationally
Mission: Increasing the engagement of Ethiopian female journalists and media practitioners in areas of advocacy, capacity building, and managerial positions in the Ethiopian media
Thematic area:
Contact person: Zeyin Ibrahim
Phone: +251 111 11 68 52 /62
Joined year: 2021
Head Office:
Kebede Tena Bld 2nd Floor
House No. 601
Wereda 01
Arada Subcity
Implementation Area: Addis Ababa

Year of Establishment: 2022 Vision: Mission: Thematic area: Contact person: Phone: Email:

Ethiopian Medical Women Association
Year of Establishment: 2022
Thematic area:
Contact person:
Joined year: 2021
Head Office:
Implementation Area:

Year of Establishment: 2021 Vision: To see a community where women’s and girl’s rights protect...More

Ethiopian Women Right Association
Year of Establishment: 2021
Vision: To see a community where women's and girl’s rights protection is ensured
Mission: Advocacy for Specialized GBV Prevention and Response; and Justice System Development, Advocacy for Women and girls’ Socio-Economic Empowerment, Advocacy for Women and girls’ Leadership Role Development, Advocacy for Women’s role in Peace and Reconciliation Process, Institutional Development
Thematic area:
Contact person: Feven Araya
Phone: 0912235241
Joined year: 2021
Head Office:
Matias Building 2nd floor, Office no. 206
Addis Ababa,
Implementation Area: Addis Ababa and Southwest Ethiopia Region

Year of Establishment: 2002 Vision: Ethiopian Women with Disabilities are welcomed in every sphere a...More

Ethiopian Women with Disabilities National Mass Based Association (EWDNA)
Year of Establishment: 2002
Vision: Ethiopian Women with Disabilities are welcomed in every sphere and valued for their strong contributions to the economy and to society
Mission: To promote the full and effective participation of women with disabilities in Socio- economic and political spheres through advocacy, capacity development, and inclusive approach
Thematic area:
- Right advocacy
- Economic and Social Empowerment
- Disability awareness raising
- Capacity Building to its members
- Inclusive Peace building
- Climate Change
- Disability, Humanitarian Action
Contact person: Dibabe Bacha
Phone: 0911874359
Joined year: 2004
Head Office:
Around British Embassy
House No. 558,
Woreda 08
Yeka sub-city,
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Implementation Area: Gondor, Bahirdar, Mehal Meda, Adama, Jimma, Ambo, Sebeta, Hawassa, Arbamich, Addis Abeba and Dire Dawa

Year of Establishment: 2002 Vision: A society in which everyone is socially and economically empower...More

Family Service Association (FSA)
Year of Establishment: 2002
Vision: A society in which everyone is socially and economically empowered.
Mission: To support individuals, families, and communities to achieve a better quality of life
Thematic area:
- Economic empowerment project
- Wash projects
- School-based social work
- Rehabilitation of GBV survivors
- Awareness creation
- Reproductive health projects
- Environmental projects
- Peace building
- Empowering marginalized community
- Emergency response
Contact person: Lettegebriel Hailu
Phone: 0923212020
Joined year: 2012
Head Office:
Woreda 12.
Nifas Silk Lafeto Sub-city
Addis Ababa
Implementation Area: Addis Ababa: Nifas Silk Lafeto Sub-city and Yeka Sub-city, Afar Regional State- Aba’la , Teru and Dubti Woreda, SNNPR: Hamer and Surma woreda, Tigray Regional State: Irob Woreda and Adigrat town

Year of Establishment: 1992 Vision: A Just and inclusive society in which all Ethiopian girls and wo...More

Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE-Ethiopia)
Year of Establishment: 1992
Vision: A Just and inclusive society in which all Ethiopian girls and women have access to quality education and training to achieve their full proposal
Mission: To promote gender-responsive policies, practices, and attitudes and foster innovations that will provide opportunities for Ethiopian girls and women to prosper in all realms of their lives. FAWE-Ethiopia's goal is to empower girls and women through quality education and training to give them the necessary skills, competencies, and values to be productive members of other societies
Thematic area:
- Enhancing girl’s education to bridge the existing gender gap in education
Contact person: Selamawit Admasu
Phone: 0911 232 469
Joined year:
Head Office:
3rd Floor, Office No. 306,
Ten Sisters NGO Building,
Yeka Sub-City,
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Implementation Area: Amhara, Oromia, SNNPR, Somalia, Afar, Benishangul, Gambella, Tigray, and Harari, Addis Ababa and Diredawa.

Year of Establishment: 2008 Vision: To see capable women in their social, economical and political p...More

Gambella Region Women Association
Year of Establishment: 2008
Vision: To see capable women in their social, economical and political participation equally with men in the region and anywhere outside the region in the overall developmental progress
Mission: The mission of GRWA is to motivate and support women to be beneficiary from the regional development equally with men by assuring their rights and also by obeying their duties
Thematic area:
- Women and girls’ promotion in gender development
- Protection and elimination of HTP and GBV
- Promotion of income generating activities
Contact person: Ariyat Omud
Phone: 0911981026
Joined year:
Head Office:
Gambella Town,
Gambella Regional State
Implementation Area: Gambella Regional state up to Woreda and Kebele level

Year of Establishment: 2019 Vision: We aspire to a holistically transformed society where individual...More

Gate For Opportunity
Year of Establishment: 2019
Vision: We aspire to a holistically transformed society where individuals lead healthy and productive lives regardless of their sex and age differences.
Mission: To advance the living standard of women and girls through education, advocacy, training, and livelihood improvement interventions. It particularly focuses on grassroots women and children
Thematic area:
- Socio-economic empowerment of women
- Women's and Children's rights
- Education
- Agriculture
- Environment
- Climate change
Contact person: Dr. Semira Mohammed
Phone: 993949473
Joined year: 2020
Head Office:
floor 7th office number 7/11-03
K. Kare Building, Mexico,
Addis Ababa
Implementation Area: SNNPR, Oromia, Amhara, Tigray, Addis Ababa City Adminstration

Year of Establishment: 1996 Vision: To see Ethiopian women and marginalized sections of the populati...More

Good Samaritan Association (GSA)
Year of Establishment: 1996
Vision: To see Ethiopian women and marginalized sections of the population free from poverty and their attainment of acceptable standard health and education service
Mission: to work with families, individuals, and institutions toward achieving improved quality of life for the most marginalized and discriminated segments of the community by employing community-based participatory integrated development initiatives, health, Education, basic skill training, and other development activities
Thematic area:
- Rehabilitation and reunification services by providing shelter-based accommodation and health service
- Economic empowerment of women
- Support basic education, Health programs
Contact person: Hirut Yibabe
Phone: 0911407419
Joined year:2009
Head Office:
Wereda 01 compound
Gulele Sub-city
Addis Ababa
Implementation Area: Addis Ababa and Gondar

Year of Establishment: 2019 Vision: Envisages a Woman and their Children reconciled, Just and Prospr...More

Kal Community Development Organization
Year of Establishment: 2019
Vision: Envisages a Woman and their Children reconciled, Just and Prosproud Ethiopia.
Mission: Aspires to promote sustainable human Development that enhances women and there children livelihoods and natural environment based charitable Trust.
Thematic area:
- Holistic support for destitute Womens and the there children, young woman and disability directly and indirectly the community
Contact person: Haymanot Ayele
Phone: 0911411414
Joined year: 2020
Head Office:
Nifislk lafto sub city
Addis Ababa
Implementation Area: Addis Ababa: Nefaslk lafto sub city and all other sub city area

Year of Establishment: 2002 Vision: To see the Gumuz and non Gumuz people empowered socially, and ec...More

Mujejeguwa Loka Women Development Association (MLWDA)
Year of Establishment: 2002
Vision: To see the Gumuz and non Gumuz people empowered socially, and economically.
Mission: Improve women and children health status.
Thematic area:
- Gender and development, women, and girls promotion
Contact person: Hidri Worku
Phone: 0921540482
Joined year:
Head Office:
Gilgel Belese Town,
Benishangule Gumuz
Implementation Area: Benishangule Gumuz Regional State, Metekel Zone (Dangure, Dibate, Guba, Pawi and Mandura) and Assosa Zone (Mengi and Sherkole)

Year of Establishment: 2023 Vision: Mums for Mums envisions gender equal society in Tigray Mission: ...More

Mums for Mums
Year of Establishment: 2023
Vision: Mums for Mums envisions gender equal society in Tigray
Mission: To help empower women and girls in Tigray through economic, social and political support programs in health and nutrition, livelihood, protection, social accountability, and peace-building and conflict mitigation strategies
Thematic area:
- Women Empowerment, Prevention, treatment, care and support on fistula and Utero Vaginal Prolapse
- Health and nutrition
- Peace building and conflict mitigation
- Environmental sustainability
- Civic society capacity building and Education
Contact person: Ashenafi ASmelash
Phone: 0914720866
Joined year: 2024
Head Office:
Implementation Area: Tigray

Year of Establishment: 2022 Vision: Mission: Thematic area: Contact person: Marta Mamuye Phone: 0913...More

National Young Women Charity Association
Year of Establishment: 2022
Thematic area:
Contact person: Marta Mamuye
Phone: 0913909407
Joined year: 2021
Head Office:
Implementation Area: Benishangule Gumuz Regional State, Metekel Zone (Dangure, Dibate, Guba, Pawi and Mandura) and Assosa Zone (Mengi and Sherkole)

Year of Establishment: Vision: To see empowered girls and women both economically and psychologicall...More

Organization for Girls, Adults & Advocacy (OGAA)
Year of Establishment:
Vision: To see empowered girls and women both economically and psychologically and also see empowered community that can stand for democracy, development and health care
Mission: To empower girls and women economically and work on health related issues of SRH/FP and Adolescent and youth RH , To work on election process, democracy and good governance, To work on prevention of HIV,TB and malaria through various intervention scheme , To work on supply of water and sanitation and environment protection especially afforestation program.
Thematic area:
- Support the youth girls and adolescent on SRH/FP through training and awareness
- prevention of unsafe abortion and unwanted pregnancy,
Contact person: Amare Felke
Phone: 0911475137
Joined year: 2021
Head Office:
Kolfie Keranio subcity
Addis Ababa,
Implementation Area: Oromia

Year of Establishment: 2009 Vision: To see women of Ethiopia Transformed to modern life and enjoy a ...More

Passionate for Ever
Year of Establishment: 2009
Vision: To see women of Ethiopia Transformed to modern life and enjoy a healthy and quality life and included in multidimensional development spheres of their country
Mission: By leveraging available resources and human capital to support the marginalized women groups and communities in the promotion of House hold food security, Safe motherhood (SMH) sustainable women economic empowerment, returnees from Migration to make them self-sufficient families with dedication, eagerness, technical skills and knowledge which enhance women empowerment in human capital, Socio economic and health development directly and indirectly, finally contributing to the gender equality, equity and social and economic growth of the country
Thematic area:
- Advocacy and policy dialogue on development agendas
- Major emphasis to women movement building sustainable economic capacity building of women.
- Institutional capacity building of women using integrated approach of health and education for women
Contact person: Dr. Tesfanesh Belay
Phone: 0913316840
Joined year: 2023
Head Office:
3rd floor suit 2
Trinity cathedral church multipurpose building
Woreda 9
Arat kilo
Arada subcity
Addis Ababa
Implementation Area: Addis Ababa, Amhara, Afar, Benshangul Gumuz, Tigray and Oromia, Ttigray

Year of Establishment: 2021 Vision: Mission: Thematic area: Contact person: Netsanet Mengistu Phone:...More

Year of Establishment: 2021
Thematic area:
Contact person: Netsanet Mengistu
Phone: 0911204849
Joined year: 2021
Head Office:
Kebele 07
Lideta Kifle Ketema
Addis Ababa,
Implementation Area:

Year of Establishment: 2021 Vision: Empowering and enhancing pastoral women capacity for economic an...More

Quman Women Development Association (QWDA)
Year of Establishment: 2021
Vision: Empowering and enhancing pastoral women capacity for economic and social development
Mission: To improve the life of women sociology-economically through integrated development aspects
Thematic area:
- Women Empowerment through different integrated programs,
- Health,
- Awareness on reduction of HTPs/FGM
Contact person: Nebiha Ibrahim
Phone: 0943848023
Joined year: 2021
Head Office:
Near Amoud Hotel
01 Kebele
Implementation Area: Somali National Regional State

Year of Establishment: 2004 Vision: Rohi Weddu aspires to see prosperous Afar communities in which g...More

Rohi Weddu Pastoral Women Development Organization
Year of Establishment: 2004
Vision: Rohi Weddu aspires to see prosperous Afar communities in which gender equality is realized
Mission: Rohi Weddu strives for the socio-cultural and economic transformation of children and women in Afar in collaboration with the government, communities and development partners
Thematic area:
- Economic empowerment
- Abandonment of HTPs (Harmful Traditional Practices)
- Education and
- Prevention and control of HIV/AIDS
Contact person: Fatuma Ate
Phone: 0911348753
Joined year: 2004
Head Office:
Afar, Ethiopia
Implementation Area: Afar National Regional State

Year of Establishment: 2007 Vision: To see a society in which justice, democracy and gender equality...More

Sara-Fitih Kehulum Yesetoch Mahiber
Year of Establishment: 2007
Vision: To see a society in which justice, democracy and gender equality prevails Ethiopian society by 2030.
Mission: work in partnership with different actors at all levels to promote civic engagement and sustainable development with the aim of realizing human rights, gender balance, good governance and democracy and all our works are guided by our iconic motto “Justice From All.’’
Thematic area:
- Awareness Raising
- Human right and Development
- Gender equity
- Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE), Economic Empowerment Women and Technology, Peace Building Conflict Management Emergency Response
Contact person: Tsigemariam Alewi
Phone: 0912777070
Joined year: 2004
Head Office:
H. no.107/209
Woreda 14
Addis ketema Sub city
Implementation Area: Addis Ababa City Government, Amhara region, S.Wollo zone , Kelala woreda kebele 01, 18,19,20,& 21 (rural project center )

Year of Establishment: 1997 Vision: To See women live with dignity and security Mission: To enable d...More

Siqqee Women’s Development Association
Year of Establishment: 1997
Vision: To See women live with dignity and security
Mission: To enable disadvantaged women, girls and children improve their social and economic well being, and develop their capacity as active, productive and respected members of their communities.
Thematic area:
- Economic Empowerment
- Education
- Fight against Harmful Cultural Practices
- Gender Based Violence
Contact person: Zertihun Tefera
Phone: 0911405509
Joined year:
Head Office:
1st Floor at the premises’ of Yemisrach Dimts Communication Services of Mekane Yesus
Woreda 2,
Nefas Silk Lafto sub-city
Implementation Area: Oromia National Regional State East Wollega Zone Nekemte, Guto Gida, Sasiga, Jima Arjo woreda, South West Shoa Zone, Ameya and Goro woreda, Arsi Zone Bokoji woreda, Sebeta Hawas woreda

Year of Establishment: Vision: Mission: Thematic area: Contact person: Sure Base Charity Phone: 0919...More

Sure Base Charity
Year of Establishment:
Thematic area:
Contact person: Sure Base Charity
Phone: 0919152717
Joined year:
Head Office:
Implementation Area:

Year of Establishment: 2011 Vision: Our vision is to see thriving and resilient households and commu...More

Year of Establishment: 2011
Vision: Our vision is to see thriving and resilient households and communities in Oromia Region and beyond by 2030
Mission: to address the root causes of poverty, inequalities and injustices among both rural and urban households and communities in Ethiopia in general and Oromia Region in particular.
Thematic area:
- Economic empowerment
- Education
- Health
- Clear water
- Enviromental protection
- Child sponsorship
- Women empowerment
Contact person: Worknesh Begi
Phone: 0930291798
Joined year:
Head Office:
House NO. 1629
Wereda 07
AkakiKaliti Kefleketema
Implementation Area: Oromia

Year of Establishment: 2020 Vision: To see Ethiopian in which Women take their legitimate space in p...More

Year of Establishment: 2020
Vision: To see Ethiopian in which Women take their legitimate space in public decision-making and the nations political affairs.
Mission: to work towards enhancement of Ethiopian women’s engagement in political and public leadership to ensure their constitutional right for equal participation in the nation’s political, social and economic undertakings and to maintain peace and security in our nation
Thematic area:
- Advocacy
- Research and publication
- Support and protection
- Capacity development
- Networking and partnership
Contact person: Eyerus Solomon
Phone: 0912168426
Joined year: 2020
Head Office:
Dirar Mall 6th Floor
Salite Meheret Roundabout
Gurdshola Road
Addis Ababa
Implementation Area: ADDIS ABABA

Year of Establishment: 2000 Vision: WCDI aspires to see girls, womens and boys social, economic and ...More

Women Can Do It (WCDI)
Year of Establishment: 2000
Vision: WCDI aspires to see girls, womens and boys social, economic and political rights in Ethiopia are fully respected and protected
Mission: to create conditions for economic, social, political and legal empowerment of women in Ethiopia through training and awareness creation, entrepreneurship and leadership development and media advocacy
Thematic area:
- Advocating about womens right
- Media advocacy
- Training and capacity building for girls, women and boys
Contact person: Yemwedsh Bekele
Phone: 0913688755
Joined year: 2003
Head Office:
KKare Building 5th floor office no-513
Woreda 06
Kirkos sub city
Implementation Area: Addis Ababa, Amhara, Oromia and Tigray region

Year of Establishment: 2000 Vision: WCDI aspires to see girls, womens and boys social, economic and ...More

Young Women Christian Association In Ethiopia (YWCA)
Year of Establishment: 2000
Vision: WCDI aspires to see girls, womens and boys social, economic and political rights in Ethiopia are fully respected and protected
Mission: to create conditions for economic, social, political and legal empowerment of women in Ethiopia through training and awareness creation, entrepreneurship and leadership development and media advocacy
Thematic area:
- Advocating about womens right
- Media advocacy
- Training and capacity building for girls, women and boys
Contact person: Yemwedsh Bekele
Phone: 0913688755
Joined year: 2003
Head Office:
KKare Building 5th floor office no-513
Woreda 06
Kirkos sub city
Implementation Area: Addis Ababa, Amhara, Oromia and Tigray region