Partnership & Networking
Partnership & Networking
NEWA joins hands and works in collaboration with organizations working on issues affecting women and girls. Building partnership with organizations working on gender-based violence is vital strategy to address the issue of gender-based violence in Ethiopia. The issue of gender-based violence is multifaceted and needs sectorial collaboration. Consequently, in order to enhance Women and vulnerable groups’ rights to prevent and respond to gender and other forms of Violence, NEWA builds strong partnership with like-minded organizations.

One of the fruitful partnership and engagement of NEWA with the Ministry of Women Children And Youth is evidenced in the signing of the project agreement by the two parties so that to collaborate for the successful implementation of the project objectives. In addition, the current joint planning and effort in the preparation of the national Gender Development Index (GDI) which is being undertaken in close partnership and consultation between NEWA and MoWCY is another area of partnership among the two. In line with this, the technical advisory committee is established that can facilitate, follow up and review the GDI document preparation, which representatives are from NEWA, MoWCY, and from relevant stakeholders.
As it is mentioned above, NEWA is closely working with the Ministry through the current structure, such as the ‘Technical Working Group’, comprising expertise groups from CS, UN Agencies and the Government in which NEWA is a member to jointly oversee some project activities involving the Ministry and the President’s Office. The Technical Working Committee is headed by the state minister. The technical committee has met many times and discussed on pertinent issues on women. Accordingly, the ToR and the work plan for the TWG is approved that enable it to conduct gender analysis on school curriculum, develop the ToR to carry out an assessment on the current Ethiopian Women Policy, and to put in place a National Gender Information and Management System, among other. It has also discussed the decision passed by the CEDAW UN committee to the GoE. The TWG reports to the High-Level Advisory Committee headed by the Minister, MoWCYA. NEWA is hence, positioned in a very strategic platform to execute the project effectively and efficiently.
The engagement of the Office of the President with the investment/ project was very active initially, as there was a focal person. The Office has been active in the initiation of the preparation of the National Gender Roadmap, involved in different activities launched by the MoWCYA, including preparations for the Beijing Platform for Action and even organized consultative meeting with the Civil Society sector. In the middle, for various reasons including the COVID pandemic, other national commitments and absence of the focal person in the Office the enthusiasm has decreased. However, recently, the partnership is revitalizing back and communications and discussions among the two are underway to organize the Beijing +25 workshop and to undertake a national consultation with women’s associations’/organizations.
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