
As part of our vision to make women a visible force for change in Ethiopia, we are actively lobbying and campaigning on issues that affect women. Despite Ethiopian equality legislation, women continue to face barriers, we are disadvantaged in economic, political and social life and we are not properly protected from gender based violence.
NEWA works with politicians, policy makers and influencers to advocate for law and policy that promotes women’s rights and equality and for services that meet women’s needs. We take a participatory, grassroots approach to this work – all women have the right to be involved in decision-making and we aim to amplify the voices of the women who engage with the women’s sector. The Women’s Sector Lobbyists is available to any grassroots women’s group that wants to learn more about how to lobby and campaign for changes in their community that matter to them as women. We also provide the secretariat for the Women’s Policy Group which is a platform for women working in policy and advocacy roles in different organizations to share their work and speak with a collective voice on key issues.
Consultation workshop on gender & women aspects of the ten years perspective plan meeting was conducted on 17-Sept-2020 for half day at Magnolia Hotel. The purpose of the meeting was input consultation on the ten years perspective plan. Participants of the meeting were represented from sub grantees and Action Aid Ethiopia. In the meeting a total of 23 participants (M=5, F=18) attended the meeting. The meeting helped the participants to contribute their input and created common understanding.
Strategic direction, gender disaggregated data, strength & limitation of policy document, area of improvement regarding gender issues in all sectors were some of the thematic areas addressed during presentation.
Inconsistent use of gender disaggregated data, identification of institutional capacity gaps, inclusiveness, use of gender neutral terms, the indication of clear M&E system, gender budgeting, resource mobilization, focusing on addressing women development packages, reproductive health & family planning issues, absence of health professional data, the overlook of unpaid care work, vital registration, women access to technologies & finance were some of pertinent issues raised as area of improvement & to be inculcated in the perspective plan.
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